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Why we started Paykit
From our experience and learnings in build a cutting edge e-wallet, Vidiva team has identified a critical gap in the e-commerce landscape: the limited access to optimal payment solutions for small-scale sellers. Determined to democratise financial access and empower entrepreneurs, we embarked on a journey to create a solution to this problem.

After extensive research and development, Paykit was born – an easy to use payment platform designed specifically for the needs of the modern sellers. We started to build the Paykit payment platform at the end of 2019 with beta testing throughout 2022 before officially launch to the market in September of 2023.

Paykit represents more than just another payment solution, its embodies our commitment to democratising e-commerce, empowering small businesses, and driving positive change in the industry.
Our mission to promote Vietnam's digital transformation
We understand that payment is not just a transaction, but an integral and essential part of the modern shopping experience. Thus, we are on a mission to creating a safe, convenient and flexible online payment environment that are easily accessible for all. We constantly striving to improve our offering of helpful products and seamless payment solutions, from continuously optimising on tried and true traditional methods, to experimenting with the latest innovations in payment technologies.
Paykit is committed to being a reliable partner throughout your business journey, weathering every twist and turn with you along the way.

We're dedicated to more than just payment strategy – every step of our journey is fuelled by a passion for crafting exceptional user experiences. From ideation to interface design, we're constantly innovating and refining our product to guarantee seamless experiences for our users. Prioritising an experimentation approach with meticulous attention to details, we strives to make sure that each product is finely tuned and delightful to our customers from the very first interactions.
Vidiva team
Vidiva is a collective of individuals full of energy and enthusiasm for solving difficult problems.
Embodying a spirit of continuous innovation and creativity, Vidiva create financial technology products that bring values and positive impact to our community, contributing to the development of a cashless future in Vietnam.