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Our commitment to the payment industry most strident of data protection standard keep you and your customer data safe
From one-click integration to concise API documentation, our payment solutions are design to easily integrate with your platform
Track sales, make better decision and drive conversion with our smart analytics, revenue reports and payment management tools
Our 24/7 customer support team ensures peace of mind and ongoing support for your rapidly growing business
Accept payment on your site with Paykit Plugin
Build a professional online store with Wordpress and WooCommerce and integrate Paykit directly into your store with just one-click.
1. Create your website on WordPress
Create a solid foundation for your online store with WordPress - the world's number one website platform.
2. Install WooCommerce on your site
Turn your website into an online store with WooCommerce powerful and flexible e-commerce tools.
3. Integrate Paykit into your store
Upgrade your customer's checkout experience with Paykit fast, secure, and convenient payment solutions.
Easy payments.
Breakthrough sales.
Paykit’s seamless online payment experience helps reduce cart abandonment and increases conversion, helping you drive more sales and accelerate your growth.
More choice for your customer, higher conversion for you
Paykit enables sellers to accept a wide range of payment methods, including:
Mastercard, Visa, JCB, NAPAS, and VietQR.
Is my information safe with Paykit? except plus
Paykit puts the security and privacy of our customer at the forefront, all information you provide to Paykit are encrypted and stored safely and confidentially. We has also achieved PCI-DSS level 1 - the highest card payment industry data security standard in the world.

We also recommends that you take a look at our notes on security best practices to help safeguard your account from the risk of intrusion and fraud.
Is Paykit expensive to use? except plus
You are only charge a small processing fees when a successful payment transactions arise.

For full details of the fee schedule, please refer to:
I don’t have a business licence. Can i still use Paykit? except plus
Yes. Paykit payment services are available to all. Whether you are a small independent seller, a registered business household (Hộ Kinh Doanh), or a limited company, Paykit are available to business of all sizes.
More Sales.
More Customers.
More Efficiency.
Whatever your goals is, Paykit has the tool to get you there.
With comprehensive seller tools and detailed step-by-step documentations, Paykit is designed to help you get started easily and scale your business effectively.